Contact Us

Billy's Botanicals
21897 Highway 144

Richmond Hill, GA 31324


Phone: 912 727 3098


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Where to Find Us:

Billy's Botanicals Market Stand


You can find us with an assortment of sustainable produce & seafood every Saturday morning at the Forsyth Farmers' Market in Historic Downtown Savannah Georgia from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00p.m., under the canopy of the massive live oak trees of Forsyth Park!


Keep an eye out for our produce and/or our seafood in any of the following restaurants in Savannah & Richmond Hill Georgia:


Alley Cat Lounge

Auspicious Bakery

B Matthews

Collin's Quarter

Collin's Q. Forsyth

Cotton & Rye 


Fox & Fig Café

Gottlieb's Bakery

Husk Savannah

New Realm Brewing

The Grey

The Grey Market

The Haunt

The Lodge On Little St. Simons Island


Repeal 33

St. Neo's Brasseire

Savoy Society

Sea Wolf Lounge

Water Witch





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© Billy's Botanicals